Monday, May 24, 2010

Current Projects

Wow...have I been bad at keeping up on this. Anyway, I'm currently at work on a number of projects. A few review essays, lots of reading, some revisions, and trying to get a good system in place for working through the summer.

Today's query: I have a free Netflix offer. Do you all like Friday Film Reviews enough to warrant me looking into Netflix and starting to watch more non-Doctor Who related television programs or films? Let me know.

Also, the third book in Swedish-sensation (who'd ever expect to hear that without it being related to the Muppets?) Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy comes out on 25 May. I have a copy pre-ordered (along with more Second Doctor-era Doctor Who, guilty pleasure), so expect a comment on the series soon. I've read the first two--they're fun, at the very least--and I'm looking forward to enjoying the third and final installment.


  1. I enjoy movie-review Fridays, however I reccommend that you give netflix a try before subscribing. One nice thing, however, is that it lets you put your account on hold, so you won't pay and won't get movies for however long you want if you find yourself too busy. --KED

  2. I thought I would also say that I enjoy your thoughts on books, the world, etc as well, so I would also enjoy your own musings instead of/in addition to a Friday movie review. Either way, I'm a fan! --KED
